Sunday, 14 March 2010

How the narrative and genre are established in the Opening 5 minutes of E.T and Independence Day


Instantly, when hearing the title sequence E.T the abbreviation of the title makes us think of secrecy or something that is being hidden to the public. This is because the full title is not spelt. The cover of the film shows a moon, a non-human hand, and a pair flying over the moon on a bicycle. These iconography connote that the film is going to be based around the supernatural specifically on the unhuman hand as it reminds us of an alien which are typical conventions of sci-fi films. This indicates that the film genre will be sci-fi. The colour of the film cover is blue/silver. These colours are traditional for sci-fi films.

The title 'Independence Day' makes us think that something significant is going to happen on that day especially because Independence Day is a very important day in America. The cover shows a close up of three male figures therefore this could create a stereotype that these three males will be heroic and dominant in the film. They are also positioned one behind the other therefore signifying that Will Smith will be the protagonist in the film as he is pictured first.

Independence Day and E.T both have different iconographies displayed throughout the first 5 minutes of the film. E.T displays an unusual creature which we assume is an alien walking about the scene, moon, and a spaceship these particular iconography are typical icons that are conventions of sci-fi films. Independence Day features some icons such as the American flag, which we associate with patriotism, sattelites that we associate with outerspace, the American Military which we associate with conflict and spaceships we link with outerspace. These are all connotations of these icons. Going back to the narrative, the audience can tell through these iconographies that there will be conflict with America and perhaps another extra-terrestrial world.

In E.T the camera movement used is panning. These creates an effect to the audience as if we are following E.T and seeing what he is up to. By this we can tell he is a protagonist. The medium establashing shot of the stars and the moon also help us to know that immediately that the film we be based on the outerspace, hence fulfulling the convention that the film is sci-fi based. Independence day uses some camera techniques such as zooming out of the American flag. This puts America into a small position making them seem vulnerable. It also makes the audience know there could be conflict with America later on in the film. In the first 5 minutes of the film some over the shoulder shots of the important characters talking are used. This creates tension and reminds us of the future conflict that America may have to deal with later in the future.

Different types of lighting were used in both films. E.T used a lot of low key lighting that is commonly used for sci-fi films, this created a lot of mystery. There was also a lot of key lights that created sharp shadows and sharp blue lights that were used which connoted that the genre was sci-fi as blue lights are commonly used for this genre. The dark back lights in the film helped to connote that the setting is in an abonded place.

Independence Day used some common lighting techniques such as the red beeping light when the character was on the phone to connote that there is danger and something was not right. There was also a lot of equipment in the background with beeping filler lights that that could make the audience realise that they were about to watch a sci-fi film.

Sound and music played a big part in establashing that the films were sci-fi. E.T had a lot of slow paced, synthesised non-diagetic sound which is a commonly used convention of this genre. They also used diagetic sounds such as the beeping sounds and non-diagetic such as the strings in the synthesizer. Independence Day used more diagetic sounds that helped reveal the content of the film. For instance, the characters speaking. For instance a character says 'There more confused than we are'. This makes the audience question who is 'they'.

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